16 March, 2006

The Call To Censure Bush

It may not be full impeachment, but it is a step close. Our President just does not have what it takes to lead this country. If you have a moment, consider helping MoveOn.org with their petition drive to Censure Bush.

Sign This Petition Now To Censure Bush.

Why am I for this petition?

Among all things President Bush has done:

1. Illegal wiretapping
2. Invading a soverign nation without due cause that ended with thousands of lives lost
3. Ties he and his administration have had with corporations under scandal with stock trading
4. His reckless disregard of the Constitution
5. His reckless disregard of the national debt
6. His hiring of cronies no matter how unqualified for the job
7. His lack of response during Hurricane Katrina
8. His lack of response on 9/11
9. The secrets and half truths he and his administration plans which affect the rest of the nation
10. And a quote that is attributed to him that MUST be investigate where he says, "The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper."

If even one of these are true, that is more than enough for a censure. If more than one is true, I think it calls for impeachment.

Bill Clinton has committed far less serious deeds while in office and he was quickly put up for impeachment. What Clinton has done did not endanger the lives of people in this country.

I have to ask, where do your loyalties lie, with the people of this country and this country itself or with Bush and his cronies who are selling us out? Your decision on this matter will let me know clearly whether you are for this country or against this country.

If he and his type can claim that line, so can I.

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