29 October, 2005

What Do I Stand For? Part 4 - National Security

What do you really expect on the national security issue from someone who stepped into office not knowing our who are friends are to the north in Canada and to the south in Mexico? National security should always start at home, not by fighting other countries unless it is really necessary. This is why we are in the trouble we are in now.

Current Events

With more and more light shining on the CIA leak scandal connected to the White House, it appears one of the lesser members of the Bush team is going to take one for the team - a slap on the wrist as the nation is distracted while these people continue with business as usual. "Scooter" will take the bullet by playing the same play dumb act Oliver North did during the "Iran country" scandal - the event that cemented the hatred of the US by both Iran and Iraq. What exactly are they up to now?

If Bush aides took the memo seriously that said we were going to be attacked by terrorists on our soil and actually acted upon that information, this would be an example of why national security begins, not ends, at home. Had they read that memo and consulted with the CIA, FBI, and FAA and picked qualified members from each group to form a team to handle this specific report, they could have done a lot more to prevent 9/11 from happening, or at least reduced the tragedy on that day.

In the case of invading Afghanistan and taking out the terrorists inside, it could be justified. This administration has made that justification invalid. We cannot neglect the fact that the US has trained Osama bin Laden and many who headed Al Qaeda during the war between Afghanistan and Russia. We came into that country to oust the Commies and left them high and dry to defend themselves in the aftermath which brought about ruthless regimes that ended in the Taliban rule that was one of the most oppressive forms of government in the world.

Osama bin Laden was the one who brainwashed, funded, trained, and assisted those misguided young men into doing such a horrible thing. If one is even slightly contributed to a murder, we charge them with a crime and go after them. Osama is more than an accomplice to murder of over 3000 people. Our "noble" president has referred to him as a mere symbol of terrorist organization and was no longer important to pursue. Why?

Wasn't the main point of invading Iraq was to get him and destroy Al Qaeda? Back in the pre-911 days, only a handful of people, myself included, tried to bring awareness of the horrid conditions of the Afghans. Our country did not even really know or care about the plight of those poor people living there, so it was not about liberating them and showing them democracy. They have that opportunity now and that is the only good thing to come out of the war, but it still did not solve the problem we were after.

Unfortunately, we pulled out too many of our soldiers to bring more stability to the country and there are pockets of groups who want to bring disorder and overthrow the government. Drug trafficking is still the main source of national income. They have a long way to go, but by not finishing what we started they are in danger of going back.

Why Start At Home?

It is a matter of logistics and just plain common sense. If our own people on our own shores were more alert and with a reasonable plan of action, we could prevent a lot more terrorists actions. By scaring people with the elevation of the colour chart and telling them there is a danger of an attack at an unknown place during an unknown time by people unknown, merely terrorists, using a method no one really knows for sure is STUPID!!

Yes, we should all be aware of what goes on around us, but we should not live in a paranoid phobia about it. In the 90s, the terrorists did attack us on our soil at the World Trade Center. They attacked then, why was it any surprise they would try it on 911 or again at some other time in the future. Any reasoning person can see that clearly.

Being in the US, we do at least have some protection from an all out battle with Middle Eastern terrorist groups - we are separated by an ocean and they do not have the funds or territory to launch an invasion such as we did with Iraq. However, there are cracks where a few key people can do major damage. If we did not spend all our time and resources invading Iraq, we could have done a lot more to secure our own borders. To secure our borders include the following:

Befriending Our Neighbours

Anyone who looks at a map can see the obvious, Mexico and Canada are our closest countries. If any terrorist wanted to come into our country, those are two large borders to cross. Most people fail to recognize they are not our only neighbours in which we need to befriend. A terrorist cell on a corrupt island nation in the Caribbean, or Central America or even the Northern part of South America full of poor, starving and neglected people could easily look the other way as they launch a nuclear device in our direction.

If we cannot work along with our neighbours, all of them, and see to it their needs are being met, they could just as easily look the other way when we get attacked. Seeing to the needs of the poor and destitute people around us would go a lot further in helping securing our borders than going abroad and starting pointless wars with no real end in sight.

Minding Our Own Business

It is one thing if another nation asks for our help, then by all means give them the help they require. It is an entirely different thing when we interfere with how other countries run their business.

The United Nations has proven to be ineffective in seeing that the desperate areas get the help they need and the United States has been forced into a position as the police of the world with the resentment of the rest of the world. Isn't it time to force the UN to live up to its original ideals and potentials? Either they can get their act together or needs to be history.

The point of the UN was to have a worldwide coalition of representatives from around the world representing the needs of their country in a forum of other diplomats who were supposed to be about offering better solutions for everyone in the world to get along instead of tempting the fate of a World War III.

The problem is the UN relies heavily on the wealthy nations to solve all of the problems of the world. While the wealthy nations could do more to help, the disadvantaged nations need to take steps on their own in order to become more competitive.

Some of those solutions are not exactly expensive, but would require a regime change, introduction to democracy, and free trade on their part while the wealthy nations, instead of exploiting them for cheap labour, could send them more teachers and doctors, help them build a better infrastructure, and assist with loans designed to help people compete in the global market as well as get their lives back together.

Throwing money to corrupt governments to help their people does not actually do much to help the people. The officials at the top always skim the bulk of the money for themselves and give their people crumbs. They have no serious intention of doing anything to advance and help their countrymen with the money. Look at the Oil For Food programme in Iraq as a prime example!

If the nations requesting the money and help from wealthier nations want full cooperation, should we not expect they live up to what they say they are going to do with the money? As this keeps happening, the US has been put in the awkward position to butt into the business of other countries while the key members have used this guise to exploit the people they were supposed to protect.

If we have no real intention of helping others, we need to mind our own business. Helping ourselves on the problems of others only fuels the fire in the minds of terrorists.

Immigration Rules

This country is made from immigrants. The Natives of this land were here first until we had the nerve to relocate them to sh--ty areas of land. We would have some nerve to tell the rest of the world we do not want you here and god forbid if you decide to take a job from someone here!

It may come as a surprise to some here that the terrorists who came into this country for the 911 event were here legally. And since, most of the terrorists who have entered the country have come in from Canada.

When you ask a typical American what they think a terrorist looks like, they will automatically assume it is a Middle Eastern "looking" man with a beard and head covered. There is a big problem with this stereotype.

Many people in the US are ignorant when it comes to figuring out where a person is from by the way they look. Personally, people have confused me with a person from the Middle East and I have no connection with that area of the world whatsoever. Many Eastern Indian men wearing a turban have been assaulted and called terrorists. Even some Hispanics and Native Americans have been attacked because they "looked Middle Eastern".

Terrorists can come in all colours, nationalities and from both sexes.

Tim McVeigh, Ted Kasinsky, Eric Robert Rudolph, John William King and two other men who killed a black man on the back of their pick up truck - all of these are the faces of white terrorists. We have far more attacks by this ilk than of the Middle Eastern ones.

There are reports of American citizens who were born and raised here in middle class white and even Hispanic families who have converted to the radical forms of Islam and have fallen into the spell of the terrorists groups.

There have been reports of suicide bombers in Middle Eastern countries where the perpetrator is female.

If we only go by the stereotype, the MO of the terrorist group is to follow a form to go below the radar of suspicion. Just read the Al Qaeda Training Manual.

It would go a long way to secure our immigration policies. We need an overhaul of the system and to rethink our attitudes about people who come here.

We should not want to harm those who come into the country seeking employment or shelter, particularly from the south of our country. We should try and understand they are not doing it to hurt anyone, but to survive. All agreements like NAFTA AND CAFTA do is to further exploit their poor who still keep coming over the border while taking away jobs from the people who live here. It is not the illegal immigrants who are taking away the jobs we want, but plans like these free trade agreements. The illegals can still make more money working below minimum wage in jobs we won't do than they can in their own countries where our good jobs have gone.

If we want free trade, it also needs to be fair trade. This would create less of the problem with people needing to cross our borders to survive.

As for others coming into this country, we should follow the examples of other nations like Australia that will do a background search before they allow you permission to enter their land. They keep potential unwanted people out before they set foot on soil. Perhaps a background search beforehand on people who want to enter this country would not be a bad idea. Remember, the 911 terrorists came here legally and without a background check to stop them.

Of course, if we did do a background check, terrorists from outside would try to come here from the borders. This is why more focus should be placed on securing the borders. The money spent on fight the war in Iraq would have done a lot more towards securing us from the north and south.

By making friends with our neighbors, it also serves as a good protection because we would be looking out for their best interests and they would be looking after ours.

Travel Safety - AKA Airport Security

It is utterly ridiculous to search little old ladies before they step on a plane. There are famous public figures who get pulled aside for a complete search which is also a useless waste of time and resources. Pulling infants away from their mothers because their names appear on a list of terrorists is just plain wrong.

The men who came into the airport with the intention of using the airplane as a weapon reportedly were acting suspiciously. Political correctness stopped one official who thought they were up to something from preventing them to catch the flight. He had to go against his gut feeling because it would be perceived as not PC to stop Middle Eastern businessmen from catching a flight, even if the alarms were going off that something was not right about them.

The true typical terrorist is male, age 16-45. If people are so worried about being PC about the offending the demographics based on nationality, why not hit the true demographics of the likely terrorist? It is more in the male nature to do these kinds of acts than it is for a woman who would have a harder time in overpowering a flight crew. When it comes to the age factor, people under age 16 have a hard time in planning such things to fruition and would also be overpowered by a flight crew. People over 35 tend to be set in life and generally do not want to throw away what they have done with their lives.

Why not perform a random check on this demographic? And perform a mandatory check on anyone whose name and picture matches a national database of people with ties to terrorist groups? Why not have such a list in the first place so we could check and keep them updated for every national airport? Why not conduct a mandatory search on people who are acting in a suspicious way? Why not use common sense instead of fear based solutions at the airport?

National Awareness

Security always starts at home, literally. We should know our neighbours on our street. We should know who belongs in that area and who does not. When we see people who are strangers in our area AND they are acting strangely, then we should try to team up with our neighbours and find out what's going on. We do not have to attack everyone acting strangely, but at least see if that person is a friend or foe or just someone with mental problems who needs help. Neighborhood Watch is a good programme that more areas should try.

We should show more support for our local and state police. They are the key people who serve as our defense when a problem develops that is beyond our control. They keep law and order. We also need to show the same support and respect to our National Guard who are supposed to be HERE to protect us.

By keeping track of what is going on in your own area, you can do a lot more to aid in the fight against terrorism, but be careful not to become vigilantes in the process. There is no need to have a knee-jerk reaction to everything that might go wrong. This is life, at any time anything could go wrong. There is no way to save people 100%. All we could ever do is reduce our risks in a reasonable and logical manner.

Surviving Disaster

23 October, 2005

What Do I Stand For? Part 3 - Gun Control Issues

The United States has a love for freedom and a love for guns. As a free country, people tend to not take kindly to someone telling them they cannot do certain things or have what they want to have.

We even have a Second Amendment which guarantees a right to bear arms, no matter how awkwardly phrased it might be states, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.". On the one hand it speaks about how a well regulated militia is necessary to secure a free state, then goes on to state the people have the right to keep and bear arms for such a purpose. Which to some implies that they were meaning for all citizens to become part of this well regulated militia and therefore should not be restricted when it comes to keeping guns. To others, this phrase implies two different concepts of the need for a militia and a need to have unrestricted access to guns.

So what's the problem?

When this Amendement cleared into the first draft of the Constitution, a war was being planned against a well armed and organized army. There was no such thing as a United States army during the Revolutionary War. The ones who would fight this battle were militia men with high ideals to fight off what was viewed as the unwanted guest in their land - the British Army.

For these colonists, there were rules and regulations about being armed which would make protecting themselves from these unwanted guests, not to mention the Natives whose land they were eyeing who were getting severely peeved, an easier task to help them in their freedom. In order to have protection without paying any tax to the King, people would have to get access to arms and to meet up in groups to fight for a common purpose.

When the war was won, the Constitution was already accepted as law. Before the actual war itself, this document was already signed and after the war all states agreed upon it. Even if the main threat of the British Army was no longer an issue, the new nation had other threat potentials and needed to maintain an armed militia until a more organized branch of an US Army could be created. With England out of the picture, other countries such as Spain and France could have easily picked at a weak target if there were no armed militia. As part of plans to expand their boundaries West, the Natives were not going to sit quietly as they were being pushed back further and further, so the new US citizens needed armed militias to help with the angry locals.

Times have changed from when this requirement was needed for the safety of all citizens. There are other Amendments in the Constitution that had to be updated to accommodate the changes in society. Whereas there have been changes to accommodate the fact that slavery was no longer acceptable and women had the right to vote and even the anti-liquor rule that was passed and repealed have all reflected changes to the evolution of this nation, perhaps it is time to re-think this one.

We are no longer under the same threat that required a militia. We have an Army, Air Force, Marines, National Guards, and even the local and state police which now serve as our well regulated militia. We are not in danger of being invaded by Mexico or Canada and unfortunately have destroyed the spirit of the Natives of this country who no longer pose a threat the Founding Fathers felt concerned on such issues. Today, we have real threats, but very different ones.

Out of all the countries in the world, the US ranks 8th for the most murders (homicides) per capita by handguns with a .02 per 1000 people who will die in this manner. In other words, for every 20,000 people, one person will be murdered by a gun. South Africa, Columbia, Thailand, Zimbabwae, Mexico, Belarus and Costa Rica all rank higher with South Africa leading the pack at .71 per 1000. These are all countries with loose or no regulations in regards to gun control.


Gun control does not necessarily mean less crime. For example robberies which are generally carried out with guns, Spain ranked first with 497,262 in the year 2000. The United States ranked second with United States 409,670 in 1999 statistics. Spain has stricter gun control laws, yet they came in higher for robberies than a country with loose gun control laws.


If guns were to be banned, then yes, only the criminals would have guns. This is seen as a dangerous situation when it comes to self defense. If someone breaks into your home, hijacks your car, or tries to rape you - they have a gun and you do not, the criminal will have the power to do what they want and leave you helpless.

It is one way to see the argument, but it is a weak one. Yes, the criminals would be in a better position to do what they wanted, but the likelihood that they would kill you would drop over the fact that they know you probably do not have a gun and are not in a position to harm them.

If guns were not readily available, there would be less guns in circulation leading to less crimes by gun.

Don't get me wrong, it is still America and the idea of any telling you what you can and cannot have will never sit well with anyone. I am not for banning all guns, just regulating them in a more responsible manner.

We need to have a license to drive a car. Why not have a license to own a gun? Why not make it mandatory for gun owners to take classes in gun safety, storage, care, and the law before being allowed to own and use a gun? Why not run a background check on those who want to own arms to make sure they do not have a criminal past or have proven to be a danger to themselves and others? Why not include a ban on people who have a restraining order placed on them?

I also believe the force they used on the so-called war on drugs has overcrowded prisons with people who need medical and psychological help to defeat a bad habit. This would make plenty of room to deal with the criminals who sell arms illegally. There should be a crackdown on these dealers. There are many honest, law abiding gun dealers whose businesses are being hurt by these thugs, not to mention the many honest, law abiding citizens who are being hurt by what these thugs sell.

It is not so much that the legally regulated arms are the problem as it is the unrestricted illegal arms trade that exists.

Yes, there are the temptations for those who are legally abiding citizens who own guns to become victims of their own weapons such as when kids get into them and fatal shoot themselves or another child or if depressed or in a heated family argument the gun is used to end it. Less access to guns would make fewer of these incidents. Among the law abiding, the most common reason for a gun death is by suicide and second domestic disputes.

In 1999, over 17,000 out of 29,000 American suicides were committed by gun versus the over 11,000 murders out of 17,000 were committed by handguns.


Emory University professor Arthur Kellermann, one of the leading researchers studying that relationship, has found that a gun in the home is 22 times more likely to kill a household member than an outsider and that it is seven times more likely to be used in the murder or assault of a household member than an outsider.

The impact of injuries:

  • Injuries account for more years of potential life lost before age 65 than all causes of cancer and all causes of heart disease combined.

  • Every year more than 142,000 Americans die because of injuries, and another 80,000 are permanently disabled.

  • Each year, more than 57 million people--one fourth of the nation's residents--are injured, and 2.3 million people are hospitalized due to injuries.

  • Injuries in this country account for more than $44 billion in direct health-care costs.

  • The total cost of firearm injuries in the United States in 1990 was an estimated $20.4 billion. This includes $1.4 billion for health care, $1.6 billion due to disability, and $17.4 billion in lost productivity due to premature death.

A new congressional study shows that an estimated 3,000 people with domestic-violence convictions were able to buy firearms between 1998 and 2001, because the FBI was unable to complete background checks before the sales went through, the Washington Post reported June 26.

Article by Join Together

Responsible people act responsibly with guns. It is unfair to completely deprive everyone who will be responsible with them from having access, but it is also a given that fewer guns do mean fewer deaths and accidents.

I am in favour of better, not more, gun control.

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