14 February, 2006

Cheney - Too Easy, But I'll Take A Shot At It

Does the White House really know how to cover up and keep secrets? Everything they have tried to hide always leaks out and makes them look even worse. The story with V.P. Dick Cheney is no different. There are so many levels to this story. There is the humorous element, the sad element and the outrage element all wrapped around what he did and how his friends tried to keep a lid on it.

Sure, I could say the obvious - "Enemies of the US had better take note, if our own Vice President will shoot a friend he likes in the face, just imagine what he will do to our enemies!"

Or even, "Guns don't kill people, Vice Presidents do."

All that could be said that is funny about the situation is plastered all over the news and by late night comedians and spoofed in almost everyone's blog.

Just remember, Dick Cheney (age 65) and Harry Whittington (age 78) are men in advancing years. Cheney also has a heart condition (although critics will wonder if he really has one.) The incident happened as it was starting to get dark (although one would have to wonder why they were still out that late.) Mr. Whittington supposedly got in the line of fire and did not announce his locations while Mr. Cheney fired at what he thought was a quail breed in captivity for the purpose of being hunted. (On so many levels that is wrong, mainly because it is not real hunting if the animals are not born with that kind of survival spirit of defense, it is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.)

Both Cheney and Whittington get a warning citation for not having the proper $7 permit for hunting. No other charges have been brought on the Vice President, but if it were any other Joe Nobody, would have at least spent some time in a jail cell for the reckless use of a weapon. Then again, we all know that the Bushies are above the law and wouldn't even deign to follow the rules that apply to everyone else.

Cheney, the chickenhawk, would shoot the animals bred in captivity as a challenge, but would not serve in the armed forces - YET - he has no problem in sending our young men and women overseas to die needlessly in a pointless war that only made a bad situation worse.

Shouldn't he be impeached along with George?

Travel Peaks


Blogger Mark said...

Of course he should be impeached. The whole damn lot of them (Blair included) should be railroaded out of town ASAP.

Tuesday, 14 February, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole damn admin should be impeached--today

Tuesday, 14 February, 2006  
Blogger CW FISHER said...

Nice shot!

Tuesday, 14 February, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

I bow to you! You are so right! Cheney is a nightmare. I actually feel sorry for Bush's press sec. having to field all those questions that Cheney should be answering. What next?

Wednesday, 15 February, 2006  

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