10 April, 2006

Is Iraq In The Middle Of A Civil War

There has been a lot of trouble in Iraq ever since the US led invasion 3 years ago. In retrospect, even the most hard-hearted supporter of G. W. Bush has to admit the way this war started was a mistake. But even the most critical of Bush have to admit that just pulling out right now would create a certain crisis.

Is it a civil war? That's debatable. Yes, there is trouble. There has been trouble since the alleged "mission accomplished" that has never gone away. Now this trouble has shifted from outside insurgents to inside conflicts between the Shias and Sunnis. The biggest spark was blowing up a sacred mosque followed by retaliation after retaliation.

Most of the Iraqi people just want to get on with their lives without having to worry about being blown up while doing it. They would like to have regular electric power and access to gas. Is it too much to ask that they be allowed to live a normal life without worrying about the safety of their families just because some in both camps are good at holding a grudge?

There are no clear demarcations to divide sides. There is no clear cut agenda that groups are rallying around. It is kind of a vague conflict with a lot of brutal fighting, but an all out civil war is not exactly there yet.

The US Civil war started off as a vague conflict and resulted in all out war. I don't think this is a stretch to imagine the same thing could happen in Iraq. A civil war, in some aspects, is a positive sign of growth. The invasion of Iraq and its rebuilding has mostly been an outside intervention. A civil war is the ultimate way the people themselves can show they do have the power to make their own decision. However, they are not in a position where they can afford to flex such muscle without doing further damage to their infrastructure.

War is not a thing one should consider as a first option. Diplomatic means should always be sought before deciding to shed blood to prove a point. They do have the power in their hands to settle their matters in a peaceful way, but it may require the currently elected Prime Minister stepping down and having a new election.

Who knows, one Iraq may work if all the people are willing to have it. Then again, they may be better off as seperate countries with their own will and agenda. A critical part of staying together is the oil reserve. It is the only main source of wealth. If one area gets full control of it, this could lead to a desperate economic situation for those who do not have access to it.

Saddam may have been a ruthless dictator who needed to be toppled, but it really should have been an inside job. The Iraqis need to feel their own power and to make their own decisions, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. It was a mistake going in the way it happened. I can only hope any future leaders will look back at the way that war started and learn something to prevent such disasters.

It may have been a disaster, but it can always be corrected. Hopefully not at the expense of more lives lost.

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