02 March, 2006

UAE To Guard US Ports

Have they completely lost their minds or is there more to the story?

There was a deal set in motion behind the backs of the public and most government officials, allegedly, even the President knew nothing about it. A foreign nation, a so-called ally in our war against terrorism with ties to terrorist organizations within its country, is set up to take over a port on US soil.

Dubai Ports World, a private company based in the United Arab Emirates, has agreed to delay its actual management takeover at ports in New York City, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Miami and New Orleans, to allow for a new 45-day review period.

Bush, who claims no knowledge of this deal, is adamant that this deal must go forth in the spirit of global economic issues which will help trade from our end. Does anyone really believe he had no knowledge of this deal?

This is yet another example of how secretive the Bush administration operates. For the sake of money, they are willing to neglect of homeland security concerns. Has everything really changed since 9/11?

On the other hand, yes, there is another side of the issue. It is a private company coming for the sake of business. On the surface, there seems to be nothing wrong with that. We should encourage foreign investors to come to the US to set up shop, after all, most foreign countries love it when we set up shop for the sole purpose of hiring people in their area.

However, this is not the case with this particular deal. There are many security firms within the US already who could take over port security who would be hiring US workers to fill the vacant slots.

Shouldn't there have been a panel to look into the credentials along with a detailed business plan as well as an investigative background of the people who will be in charge of running the port security? Why was this hush-hush?

It does seem a tad hypocritical on our end when we have our troops on foreign soil guarding oil fields and running general security as an occupying force. Can you imagine how they feel about the same situation?

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