Call Him What He Is - King George Bush
Here we are preaching to the world the wonders of democracy, the freedom of people to decide their fate. We love this freedom called democracy so much that we force it on the rest of the world whether they want it or not. We make them play by our rules, install our approved leaders into their regimes and let the people think they made that choice. Why should our position be any different at home?
It really does not matter what the people of the US want, it is what is good for the neocons period. Bush has a long history of owing favours to many powerful and wealthy groups, businesses and people while he was getting started in his adult life. Now it is time for his friends to call in their favours at the expense of the people he is supposed to represent.
John Bolton, one of the most disputed men put up for a position, was appointed as the UN representative for the US. Bush knew how people felt. He knew there would be a long debate before he could be approved, if at all. That didn't matter. He wanted Bolton in - no matter what the people wanted. He decided to forgo the democratic process of an up/down vote to get him approved on the chance that he might not get in. How did he do it? He waited until Congress went into recess and made the appointment behind all of our backs.
Should we be surprised when the US Patriot Act part II gets passed when the first one was passed by preparing the papers by the secrecy of the night? Should we be surprised this group of representatives bowed down to worship King Bush and passed CAFTA to the detriment of the people here and in Central America by cover of the night? There is no representation for the people!!! We have people in office who are so out of control and do not care what the voters want. They are merely playing politics.
The secrets, lies, and half-truths from this group at the White House is not a good example of how democracy is supposed to work. If the neocons want something, they make it happen. They don't care how anyone else feels about the issues. If they want it, they get it. They don't consider long term effects of their choices or how it will disrupt other processes of a true democracy or freedom, so long as they get their way.
Bill Clinton was merely involved in a sex scandal and tried to cover it up. His wife was involved in a bad real estate deal. For this we were subjected to an 8 year witch hunt by investigating him, his wife, his family, his friends, his business associates all to try and pin something on him. What he did to Hilary and the women was wrong. He deserved to pay for what he did to them.
When does justice come to the current President? Out of all the sins of Clinton in the investigation, not one of those crimes resulted in an unnecessary war which killed innocent people. Clinton was in charge of a bombing which did result in killing innocent people. He got flack for that, but it was a mere slap on the wrist and not an investigation. I guess it's okay to kill innocent people as long as you don't upset the status quo.
Clinton may have been responsible for the deaths of innocent people, but Bush has killed a lot more innocent people. He is also responsible for the unnecessary deaths of our own young people who had no other choice but to go to war because of lack of jobs in our country. Maybe that's why CAFTA passed so we can create more unemployed people to fight unnecessary wars while we look the other way at people in Central America working for slave wages.
The seeds this present government have planted will be sown in bad ways. It is like the cartoon of the person who mocks god and the others standing nearby take a quick side step away before the bolt of lighting strikes him. Those of us who can see it coming need to distance ourselves from this idiot in office. Oh, excuse me, he is not an idiot. He knows full well what he is doing and doesn't care what it does to others. That just makes him evil.
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