Terrorists Are Idiots
Was it to disrupt the G8 conference? Was this a protest, yet again, from radical Muslim terrorist cells that are anti-West? Was this a stray group from the earlier IRA era? Was it a lone nut case? The guilty will eventually be found. Whatever group or whomever the people involved, I think we can all agree this was a cowardly act.
Face it, if these terrorists REALLY believed in their cause, they should show their faces. Suicidal bombers? Don't even get me started on what a chicken s--t act that one is -- they don't believe enough in their cause, but are too scared to face the consequences of their actions and the s--thead leaders that send their gullible lackeys to do the dirty work they are too afraid to do themselves and hide because they know deep down they are cowardly terrorists who are tarring the name of the god they claim to follow.
I have no good words to say about the people who do these things. I can understand the frustration one might have about their lot in life or the conditions of the world, but what exactly does this method solve? The US, France, Spain, Germany, and the UK have all been attacked by terrorists from time to time with differing agendas. None of these people with their agendas have EVER gotten their way due to their tactics. Anyone who has ever participated in these activities have gotten more hatred than sympathy for their cause. It has been a proven way to guarantee you NEVER get what you want.
What really makes me angry is the terrorists who have gripes against the government who strike at innocent citizens. If they are angry at the governments, why not attack the government? Is it because they are too chickens--t to do it directly? Is it because they are not smart enough to bypass all the security against their real target? How exactly is killing an innocent grandmother visiting her children helping your cause when you created a family of enemies against your cause? How is killing a single mother trying to get to work to feed her children and put a roof over their heads helping the cause? What good will it do your cause by murdering a tourist who is in the country for a visit that had nothing to do with your complaint? Well, those stupid terrorists have done that and more. What have they accomplished?
They have just assured there will be a manhunt out after them. They will not have rest for their lifetime. They have just assured whatever point they tried to make will be resisted by the world at large who will do whatever it takes to make sure they never get what they want. They have most likely signed their own death warrant. The people who put them up to do the deed really do not care one iota about them as people and would not hesitate killing them if they had the chance. Who really wins in this tactic? No one.
Plain and simple, terrorists are idiots!
Get A Miracle Ministries