30 May, 2005

French Vote No To EU Constituion

Why is anyone surprised? If ever there were a group of people who held dear a sense of independence and the need to be who they are -- it is the French.

It is one thing taking on the European Union as a way to boost the economic stabilities of all countries involved, but to adopt a one-size fits all Constitution signals to the minds of many a disaster in the waiting.

The French will thumb their noses at the notion of Political Correctness. They will insist when you speak their language it is done properly. They make no bones that when you are in their country you are to not forget where you are. If they seem rude or abrupt with you, it is probably because they deem you as the one who is being rude by holding them up or taking away their valuable time being French.

Why on earth would the French accept the idea that outsiders can dictate the foundation of all laws that will govern their own people? To consider such an action would be to entertain the idea of becoming like the Americans who have a Constitution over all the states who at one time had the freedom to rule their states independently until the Federal government became too powerful leaving the individual states with a fraction of the authority they once had. By considering a Europe-wide Constitution brings in the potential threat of what happens if those in charge of the EU become too powerful and all French laws come in second to what an outside government demands.

The French are not the only ones who have an issue with it. The British are also strongly independent and the idea that an outsider could come in and disrupt their way of life is not exactly a comforting one. The United Kingdom is one of the minority in the EU that still keeps its own currency and strong sense of national identity. The fear amongst people against the EU is losing their identity and becoming a conglomerate of the European Union.

Backers of the EU Constitution point out that these are fears based on no real facts. There were safeguards put within the Constitution to prevent a hostile takeover of any individual nation. The basics of the Constitution is simply to guarantee all citizens within European Union nations the freedoms enjoyed in most of the civilized countries. Not all the nations joining the EU had such guaranteed freedoms and without a Constitution could go on denying their citizens things most others take for granted.

By allowing basic liberties for all people, it frees the weaker nations into becoming better neighbors. It allows better security throughout the EU areas. It stands as a united front in a worldwide, cutthroat economic situation. It creates the chance for more people to have better jobs, affordable homes, and the best educational opportunities around.

There are good things about the EU Constitution that will help all of Europe, even at the risk of becoming a "one-size-fits-all" community. I think everyone should really read the proposed Constitution before deciding it is the evil they think it is.



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